AR Solution Group is a UK supplier of safety & protective equipment, workwear, and janitorial products. The responsibility of the Modern Slavery Act (2015) is acknowledged and upheld throughout the organisation’s structure, and extends to the suppliers we work with. We have zero tolerance for any breach of the modern slavery policy set out in this document and we’re committed to acting ethically in implementing systems and controls to ensure modern slavery does not take place within our business or our supply chains.
The company will not work with any business knowingly involved in forced labour, trafficking, or perpetuating slavery or servitude.
This policy applies to all personnel working for us or on our behalf in any capacity; including employees at all levels, directors, agency workers, volunteers, interns, contractors, third-party representatives and any business partners.
Responsibility for the policy
The company has overall responsibility for implementing this policy. This includes monitoring its use and effectiveness, ensuring this policy is compliant with our legal and ethical obligations and those of our collaborators.
Any employee with concerns or information linked to the suspicion or evidence of modern slavery should raise these immediately with a senior member of staff. The director will take accountability for implementing this policy and its objectives to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within the organisation or its supply chain.
Managers at all levels are responsible for ensuring those reporting to them understand and comply with this policy. This is accomplished by providing regular training on modern slavery in supply chains and how to effectively mitigate or report suspicions of its presence in the workplace.
Compliance with the policy
You must ensure that you read, understand and comply with this policy.
You are required to avoid and report any activity that might lead to a breach of this policy.
We are devoted in our efforts to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human
trafficking within our business and supply chain. Our core practices
reflect this commitment by acting ethically and with integrity in all our business
relationships; we will bring this into effect by administering and demanding effective use of our organisations methodology and lead by example to ensure slavery and human trafficking does not arise anywhere in our supply chain.
As part of the company’s due diligence processes into preventing slavery, we prioritise collaboration with established companies that can provide us with a reliable supplier agreement. This gives us confidence that we can build a strong and trusting relationship with our suppliers.
Our process reflects the relative risk of potential suppliers and includes:
Checks against global sanctions and enforcement databases (OFAC, World Bank Debarment List) as well as an adverse media review to identify risks including human rights abuses, human trafficking and labour violations.
Embedding an evaluation of modern slavery into our risk assessment based on criteria such as the country of operation and government response to modern slavery, as assessed by the Global Slavery Index.
Suppliers identified as medium or high risk are subject to further vetting and evaluation based on the specific supplier’s circumstances. This includes higher risk and higher spend suppliers, who will be asked as part of a questionnaire about their policies and procedures in place regarding human rights, modern slavery, forced labour, child labour or human trafficking.
The supplier approval process will include a survey to obtain approval onto our approved supplier list. Imported products from sources from outside of the UK and EU may be more liable to slavery in the supply chain, therefore those companies will require more frequent checks of their procedures.
Throughout 2021/2022 AR Solution Group aims to provide additional guidance throughout the company's management and extend the level of training being delivered to employees across the business.